⭐️ A plentiful breakfast packed high with health benefits will do wonders for your waistline, energy levels, daily metabolism and general happiness during the
👉 Skipping breakfast or eating a low calorie, low nutrient dense breakfast will do the absolute opposite…
👉 If you’re aged around 40+ and feel like you’re gaining weight or your body shape is changing this may well be due to hormonal fluctuations - there’s a lot that can be done to rectify this weight gain and dieting is not on the list!
If you’re interested in what’s in my breakfast, here we go:
👉JUMBO OATS - protein, fibre, magnesium
👉FLAXSEED & LINSEED- phytoestrogens (mimic oestrogen) protein, omega 3, antioxidants
👉 CHAI SEED - protein, fibre, omega 3
👉 ALMONDS- healthy fats, vitamin E, magnesium
Shaken up and stored on mass in a jar
👉 BANANA - potassium, fibre
👉 HONEY - antioxidants
👉 TAHINI - fibre, protein, magnesium
👉 OAT MILK - Calcium, protein, fibre
+ A little extra flavour…
👉 Cardamon
👉 Cinnamon
⭐️ Delicious, satisfying, plentiful, nutritious and super quick to make!