As the entire abdomen has been stretched in pregnancy, to fully rectify diastasis, strength must be gained across the entire core unit
Progressive loading is favoured as the best way of managing diastasis- this means working towards more challenging core exercises rather than safe, gentle ‘diastasis friendly’ versions
Healing a diastasis means rebuilding or regenerating tissue. For a tissue to regenerate it must have a load applied to it in order to stimulate change.
Factors such as a lack of core connection, poor sleep, nutrition and stress all play a part in the ability of the tissue to change and improve.
Crunches, twists, sit ups and planks are not ‘bad’ for diastasis, they are all exercises which can be gradually and safely introduced
A gradual postpartum core strengthening program is the best way to regain optimal core strength and function.
A diastasis is not likely to change much after 8 weeks postpartum unless you do something about it (core rehabilitation).
A diastasis can still be functional (active, athletic, pain free) even if the gap remains.
Pelvic floor dysfunctions, persistent lower back pain, hip and glute pain are all symptoms of diastasis
The best sign that a diastasis is healing is when you can generate tension in your linea alba (midline gap) so it feels taut.
✅ Research on diastasis management is constantly evolving. Having an awareness and understanding of this complication is super important for all mums.
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