If you’re in to your 3rd trimester, you may have been told or noticed by now that you have abdominal separation??
First and probably most importantly - don’t panic - this is a normal physiological process during this trimester: The abs need to stretch and separate to make room for your baby - something has to give and ideally it’s not your spine!
There are a few steps you can take to protect your core, which is compromised during this process - these steps will also ensure your abdominal separation doesn’t delay your postnatal recovery and subsequent return to exercise:
✅ Practice diaphragmatic 360 degree breathing to help distribute pressure in the abdomen
✅ Think about your posture - standing in neutral alignment will help reduce the stretch to the front and pulls on your back
✅ Gain awareness of your transverse abdominal muscles - how you can engage them to support your growing bump
✅ Avoid crunch style abdominal exercises which place extra pressure on the midline
If you want to learn more about any of these steps, please contact me directly.